Created for a fellow artist, who had a whiteboard vision that I couldn't help reliving again and again
The vision
Artist Elie Dagher graced a whiteboard with what is most likely the most disturbing Pikachu I've ever seen. He was quickly dubbed "Creepychu" and shared all over social media. Not one to let good material go to waste, I got to work bringing Elie's masterful vision to life.
The painting
Whiteboards get erased. I wanted Creepychu to live, dammit. What better way than to create an image file that can be printed en masse.
the sculpture
Deciding that the digital painting wasn't enough and that the best way to allow Creepychu to live on forever would be to put him on Elie's desk, I created a polymer sculpt. Elie was thrilled. And terrified.
Creepychu is looking at you. Creepychu is judging you.